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Fee Calculation System

System of calculating the fees and pricing services

Special Offer individuals:

fixing the fess amount according to the size and type of consultation or service or the  legal procedures that are determined by the client , in that price is calculated for every work according to type , size or quantity

Special Offer companies and institutions is of two types:

First: will be through concluding our a one year contract between the office and the company establishment wishing to make use of facilities , services and legal Consultancy , in that it would be agreed on payment of decided amount monthly to the office against the entire cost of all extended legal services regardless of the size or amount of work and services all through contracted period.

Second: He should be through the conclusion of a contract for one year between the Office and the institution or company shall be agreed upon for the Office on the amount of simple and specific each month to determine the percentage of the value of the issues and the services of the Office to the customer fees and legal costs.

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